Security Essentials

Creating a Hyper-connected, Risk-Aware Culture

IT Security Essentials

Expert Insights into Data Protection’s Current and Future State

We prescribe to an age-old philosophy that “Prevention is better than a cure”. However, recognize that in the 21st century both are equally important in a healthy system. Essential security package tailored for user workstations with isolated business continuity impacts. including all Laptops and Desktops. The below solutions are focused on “Preventing” security incidents before they arise or cause any disruption to your ongoing business activities.

  • Workstation Patching & Maintenance
  • Build a Risk-Aware Culture
  • Server Patching, Maintenance & Protection
  • Emails Protection
  • Managed Antivirus
  • Controlled Network Access
  • Managed Firewall
  • Security in the Clouds

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